FAQ Regarding Sales

Q: What kind of payment methods do you accept?
A: Our main payment method is Stripe (Credit/Debit Cards). We also accept crypto payments.
Note : If you are interested in another way of payment, contact support for instructions.

Q: What should I do after payment?
A: We send your cccam account on your email within 5 minutes . Orders are automatically processed.

Q: Can I test before payment?
A: Sure you can as we do believe this is your right. The test is 48hours long and free. Simply submit your test request from the top menu of our website or click here. Instant cccam test line will be provided asap.

Q: Do you guarantee Money Back?
A: On one condition, Yes. If we – due to low service quality or weak support – fail to satisfy you with our service, we shall return your money. Otherwise, excuses which does not reflect our failure in promised Customer Service will not be accepted. We first investigate your issue and try our best to sort it out, but if the facts show that the issue is from your end there will be no money back. For instance, If one of your lines fails to connect and after we check that line discover that the line is healthy and works without issues. Our sales department is in charge of this procedure.Please test before paying as we can only guarantee the same providers that are on the test server.

Q: Can I receive discount? How?
A:Yes, you can. If you purchase 3 or more accounts at once. We also offer coupons .

Q: Do you have free cccam account?
A: We are a cccam pay server, so the cccam service we provide is paid, but our 48hours test server is free.

Q: I am interested in being your reseller. What needs to be done?
A: It`s simple, you need to purchase 5 or more accounts at the same time to benefit from resellers discount.
Note: You can activate you account whenever you need them.

Q: Is there a panel to manage my users?
A: You you will receive a free control panel where you can manage your users. Renew, delete, monitor etc

Q: How long does activation take for reshare packages ?
A: It can take from 1 hour to maximum of 24 hours, depending on how busy we are.
Note: If you are in a hurry, you can ask sales team for a temporary account.

If your question has not been answered yet, do not hesitate to contact our sales department.

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